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Abigail Kim

Body Positivity

Body image is defined as the way someone sees their body and assumes how others sees it as well. Body image is closely connected with self esteem, so when someone has a negative image of their bodily appearance, this can lead to low self esteem, which can result in a plethora of mental health problems. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 31% of teenagers and 34% of adults feel ashamed of their body appearance, with women making up 91% of these statistics. So, why is it that so much of the world’s population struggles to find peace with their body’s shape and size?

Well for starters, as we’ve heard time and time again, one of the most influential and self esteem-killing places is social media. You’re exposed to thousands of images of people with perfect bodies, perfect faces, perfect lives, perfect friends. Or so it seems. Not to mention the sky high beauty standards in society, especially for women, such as a small waist, big chest, and backside in an “hourglass figure.” We can see them constantly in TV shows, Barbie dolls, models, etc. We’re exposed to them constantly from an early age, where it becomes embedded into our minds that these types of bodies are the absolute standard and should be met. We’ve also heard time and time again how quote unquote, unattainable these features may be as an attempt to portray positivity, but they’re certainly the dream body. There are plenty of factors and reasons accounting for people’s poor body image, but it’s important to realize a few things.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone has different genetics and body types, it’s incredibly unreasonable to compare yourself to a body that works completely differently from yours. It’s difficult, but it is such a negative mindset that’ll only hurt you in the end. It’s also important to note that social media may appear to be realistic, but there are so many individuals editing their images to maintain their perfect appearance. It’s not real.

2. Focus on the things you like about yourself. When we hone in on the negative, we begin to

constantly criticize everything about ourselves. But there is ALWAYS something to love,

regardless of whether or not we can discover that at this moment. There’s truly only so much we

can do to healthily change our body, so the best thing for us to do is to accept it for the way it is,

not something it may, possibly, potentially, could be.

3. Your body right now is one that you’ll be wishing for and dreaming of as you grow older, so, why waste time hating it? Think about it like this. When you’re an older person, your body becomes weaker, and you can’t enjoy as much of the physical attributes and activities as you can now. You may be worried about wrinkles later, so try not to worry about your weight right now. Make the most of what you can until “later” happens.

Your happiness is not defined by your size. You measure it in your experiences, emotions, and the people you surround yourself with. We have to love ourselves, after all, our bodies are what keeps us alive and functioning to enjoy the best things in life. Someone has a problem with you, or criticizes the way you look? They’re probably just jealous. Let it fuel your confidence, don’t let it knock you down. In the long run, one person’s negative comment will have absolutely no impact in your life if you choose to push it away.

“Don’t let your mind bully your body.”

- June Tomaso Wood

“My existence is not about how desirable you find me.”

- Unknown

And above all, you ARE beautiful just the way you are.

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