Around this time last year I was in a very bad place mentally which also affected me physically. I would overthink everything and never have enough energy to do simple tasks. It not only hurt my personal life but also my academic career began declining. I am a very big overachiever when it comes to my academics so it brought me even more down the wrong path. Somewhere along the way I realized how bad it had gotten and I had no one to blame but myself. I was so lost, I didn’t want it to be like that but it just was and I couldn’t fully control it, how was I supposed to flip the switch?? It wasn’t until I came across random TikTok videos and on instagram that I found ways to help me not only rid myself of toxic thinking, but to grow as a person. It took me so long to actually find the motivation to slowly start my journey of self-improvement and I still struggle to this day.
Mental illness has become a trend lately. Before it was not widely known and now it is thrown around easily. It was hard to accept that I was in an actual bad place and that I was not just trying to “follow trends”. I want to share how I grew into a better me so I can maybe help you take those few steps for yourself :) These are a few of the steps I took on my road to becoming the healthiest and best version of me!!
1. I took a step back and recognized my spot in life at the time and realized I wanted a change for the better. It is completely normal to fall into depressive episodes or just days where you just don't feel the vibes. The most important thing is to understand that it happens to everyone and it's our way of bouncing back that can and will be the starting point for this journey.
2. Rebuilding my confidence. I was never that confident, I still am working on it, but it is the trying that does the most. Confidence can range from feeling certainty of accomplishments to feeling intone with yourself. Start small through journaling something positive every day or say positive mantras in the mirror. (yes it sounds silly but trust, it works) By continuously showing up for yourself, you will be able to leave that sad bubble and change your viewpoint of yourself.
3. Create a better environment for yourself and find your purpose!! This is super super super important, before, I was surrounded by an environment that worked against me rather than for me. I didn't realize the toxicity of it until I found some friends who taught me the importance of self-worth and relyance. Once you find that group of people you can rely on (does not have to be a big group!!) then you will be able to grow to your full potential.
4. Creating an abundance mindset. An abundance mindset is basically trusting that you will have all you need, that there are unlimited resources and opportunities in the world. With this positive outlook on life, you can create the life you want. Ever heard of lucky girl syndrome? This is the start to that type of life! By focusing on a desired life and gratitude, you can continuously pay it forward with good karma following you along the way. This has helped me so much I have felt more empowered and improved so many relationships!
5. Finally, keep up habits. If you promise yourself something try not to break that promise no matter how small!! The little things matter and in this case the little things will soon be your big reasons for bettering your life. If you want to start working out then workout! Nothing is truly stopping you other than you.
I truly hope that these steps had at least some impact! Another thing is to start organizing your life. I am a very chaotic person both physically and mentally but I love staying organized. Now I know I sound very contradictory but I swear even the minimal things help. Now physically I am still very chaotic to my surroundings in my house. Academically and mentally though? Best organizer ever. I use a cute platform called notion to set up any personal and educational habits and trackers to allow me to stay focused and motivated through life.
Don't forget to also prioritize your self-care <3 Just saying you will do something won't truly change anything. In all seriousness, to achieve any goals you set and become your best self, you absolutely NEED to take care of your mental and physical health, establishing a mindful routine (journaling, meditating, yoga, etc.) and a healthy pattern for your daily life (sleep schedule, working out, good diet, etc.). You really just need to understand you are never going to stop learning and growing and you should take into consideration anything that could expand your knowledge on not just yourself, but on everything and anything. Through this you will allow yourself to develop new skills with new opportunities and diverse perspectives. To become the best version of yourself you need to plan for your future self, if not now when? If you wait for it to be a “future-me problem” it might just be stuck that way and become a never ending cycle of unhealthy habits. Take action now and please take the best care of yourself :)