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How Kindness Changed My Life

Agrima Gupta

Kindness is an enormous part of my life. From as far as I can remember, I’ve heard everyone around me remind me that I should treat people with kindness, because that’s how I would want to be treated. I usually disregarded those reminders because I found them repetitive and irritating. That changed when I moved to California in 2nd grade.

I didn’t know what it was like being the new kid. I had always witnessed new kids come into my old school, and now I finally knew what it felt like to be the odd one out. When I entered the classroom, I could feel every eye in the room staring at me. I felt like I didn’t belong. I never really had a lot of confidence, so I wasn’t surprised when I felt so different. I tried to sit somewhere where I wouldn’t get much attention, when the most magical thing happened to me.

A sweet girl, Alyssa, waved and gestured at me to come sit with her. Immediately, I started to feel wanted. I realized that not as many people are judging me as I initially thought. Since I moved in the middle of the year, I wasn’t caught up to the curriculum and needed help adjusting to it, and Alyssa guided me through it all.

I remember my first recess being the new kid. I just wanted to stay in the classroom and read, but my teacher didn’t allow that. I was forced to play outside, and I was terrified of being alone. That’s when Alyssa grabbed my arm and pointed to the swings. I usually didn’t like being physically touched, but I was so relieved when Alyssa grabbed my arm. Even as a sophomore, I still remember every detail of my first day, and how without Alyssa’s act of kindness, I would be a completely different person. Alyssa taught me a lesson that I couldn’t understand for years in just one day: put yourself in the other person’s shoes before you act. Ever since then, I was the first friend of every new kid. I became the kid who gave new kids a school tour, and made them feel more comfortable.

I believe that Alyssa has shaped my personality and my mindset forever, and I really hope I could tell her how her 7 year old self changed my life. I’m glad I learned my lesson about kindness early in my life, but there are still people who haven’t learned it yet. I understand how repetitive and annoying it can get when millions of people force the characteristic of kindness upon you, but it really changed everything for me once I learned it. In my opinion, this is one of the most important things a person can learn about life.

After this experience, I developed confidence through kindness. I realized that kind people always have a confident aura, and it always spreads to others. I also developed a positive mindset, and I noticed myself getting happier the more I spread love and kindness. I think me being a part of Spread The Love is a reflection of all of those experiences. I’ve written letters to around 60 children with so much thought, and I always hope that their parents can witness the most perfect smile on their childrens faces after they read my letters. I love knowing that I turned someone’s day around because it makes me feel like I made use of my day and made an impact. To anyone reading this, please make it your goal today to make someone’s day, and I guarantee that their appreciation would make your day as well.



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