There are many surface-level things that we hear all the time about
kindness. Sometimes the “Treat others how you want to be treated”
quote doesn’t cut it. Why is it important that we give love in the first
place, especially to people that we don’t know, or who aren’t like us?
Giving and receiving love is engrained into the human psyche: we are
programmed to love and help others. It has so many mental, physical,
and even spiritual benefits that we don’t recognize. Kindness is proven
to alter the brain and produces oxytocin (the love drug), which involves
a positive interaction between two people.
It is no secret that doing good feels good. But what is more important is
doing good things even when you don’t feel good. The energy we put
into the world is bound to come back to us in one way or another. When
we give love to others, we increase the love that is handed back to us.
So if you are thinking, “What's in it for me?” there are tons of benefits to
being kind.
My favorite thing about being kind is you have nothing to lose and
everything to gain. The world has enough suffering as it is, and giving
love and kindness is a beautiful way to help lessen the suffering. Even if
you feel like you aren’t doing much, it may end up changing lives.
Kindness helps open doors for new ideas and perspectives. It is proven
that those who volunteer are much less likely to suffer from depression.
When you choose to give love, your mind automatically looks for more
things to love. This feeling of gratitude is one of the main contributors to
our happiness. You begin to realize more and more that there are
things to love all around you, and it becomes even easier to give more
love and kindness. It becomes a beautiful cycle to be in.
Once you are in that cycle, everything around you is bound to join. You
become a great example to others and they also have nothing to lose in
being kind.
“What if I don’t think this person deserves my kindness?” In that case, it
is likely that they need it more than ever. We never know what is going
on in other people’s lives, and your positive words can quite literally
change their lives. It can be easy to put up walls and only give love to
the ones you think deserve it, but it is much more powerful to put your
pride aside and give love to everyone. It shows great inner strength and
compassion that the world needs more of.
It is not that giving kindness is difficult, it's that we’ve been
programmed to think that it is, even when we don’t know it. We see,
hear, and read negative things about people every day, so of course we
are bound to face resistance to giving love. As stated earlier, we are
made to give love but have been taught that it takes work, or that it isn’t
worth our time. The truth is giving love always is worth the time.
I encourage everyone, no matter what your status is, what your
age is, or where you come from, to show more love. The love you give
is the love you receive. Love is universal and one of the best gifts that
we can offer to each other. The beauty of humans is that we are all
extremely different and that difference should be celebrated rather than
frowned upon. No matter how different we are, we share the same
earth and the same air and come from the same source. I hope that we
can all find hidden beauty in spreading the love <3